eLearning for Onboarding and Inductions

We’ve helped some of the UK and Europe’s best-known brands to use elearning for onboarding and employee inductions.
Effective online training for your new hires can increase staff engagement and retention, and reduce time to competency.

Improve engagement, satisfaction & productivity

Up to 20% of new staff leave within the first 45 days of a new job [1]. Recruitment can be a lengthy and expensive process: when you’ve gone through all that hard work in finding new staff, you don’t want to lose them within their first few months. Your employees’ first impressions of your organisation will have a big impact on their engagement, job satisfaction and ultimately their productivity.

Increase retention

We’ve helped a wide range of clients (including some of the world’s best-known brands) with their onboarding programmes for new hires.

These bespoke inductions have led to greatly improved learning outcomes, reduced time to competency and increased rates of retention.

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GHD drag and drop

Improve engagement

eLearning is ideal for new employee onboarding programmes because it allows your learners to integrate their learning within their day-to-day work during the all-important honeymoon period of their new role.

Providing a robust onboarding programme for your new hires will help them to feel welcomed and supported, so bespoke induction training can reduce the likelihood of them leaving.

Quick & easy e-inductions

Having 24/7 access to online materials allows you to design a rolling onboarding programme that your new hires can join at any time. These are a more effective way of getting staff up to speed than one-off induction events.

Online courses for onboarding or e-inductions are quick and easy to update, so when things change you can roll-out new content at the click of a button.

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Flexible, learner-centred solutions

A good employee onboarding programme will equip your new recruits with all the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their new role. This might include anything from learning new systems to regulatory compliance; company-specific product knowledge to leadership and management training.

Furthermore, our adaptable LMS solutions can bring together all elements of your onboarding programme into a seamless online experience for your new hires.

Powerful learner analytics will help you to track how your learners are getting on with working through the content.

Onboarding case studies

Examples of our work creating dynamic, bespoke elearning for inductions / onboarding:

The client verdict

A critical success factor for us was to ensure we had new colleagues who were competent in the use of the systems when they left their learning event. A key enabler of this was the ‘Day One’ system.
I have received excellent feedback from the trainers, recently giving ‘Day One’ a Net Promoter Score of 96 for ease of use which only serves to highlight how integral ‘Day One’ has been to the success of the programme.

Head of Learning / Customers / Brands / Digital and Telephone Banking / Lloyds Banking Group

Getting your new hires up to speed? Can Do

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you create bespoke inductions for an onboarding solution that will improve engagement and retention of your new hires.
