Best Use of Systems Simulation – Our 3-Step Approach for Success

When you need to introduce a new software system into your business operations, it can come with a fair few headaches, including how best to train your staff to use it. To help ease the transition for staff and ensure they are properly trained, e-learning system simulations can be a very valuable form of training – just keep it simple and follow our 3-step approach for success:

When used as part of a blended learning programme, e-learning systems simulations are a super flexible and cost-effective way of introducing systems training to small or large gaggles of employees.

Some people choose e-learning solutions because they think that by adding lots of jazzy stuff – like 3D fly-throughs of their office – into their training, it will make it more fun. In fact, the more realistic you make it, the more engaging it is and the more staff take on board what you are trying to teach them. Bells and whistles are really not required!

To get the most out of your e-learning programme, we recommend businesses keep it simple and adopt a three-step approach:

Step 1 – Pre-learning

In the weeks or days leading up to their main training session, e-learning can be used to give staff a heads up on the new system and working practices they will be learning. Basic exercises in an a simulated system will get employees familiar with the new software and it will also help to get the cogs whirring on any questions they might want to ask at their formal training session.

Step 2 – E-learning

E-learning exercises are best used to punctuate a blended learning programme of face-to-face training, trainer led sessions and buddy time. To ensure it all dovetails together and doesn’t feel like an add on, the e-learning system sims should closely reflect the rest of the training material and the aims of the session.

Step 3 – Me-learning

After staff have been trained, there may be a gap between the session and when the system goes live. To ensure ‘learning fade’ doesn’t set in, e-learning can be used to reinforce training and give staff a safe space to practice different scenarios. With Day One’s Dynamic Data™, these practice sessions can be different every time to keep exercises fresh and interesting.

Get your money’s worth

Once your new business system has gone live, the e-learning programme doesn’t need to go on the bonfire. To maximise your investment, the programme can easily be repurposed for induction training for new starters or for refresher training – perhaps for workers coming back from maternity leave or sick leave. It can also be used as part of the selection process for interviewees.

By using e-learning, a project to train staff on a new system can effectively support the roll out of changes to your business and provide a legacy for future training programmes.

If you are interested in using e-learning to introduce simulations into your business, browse our simulation based training page to learn more about what we can do for you.

Even better – why not come and chat to us over a cuppa.
