The words ‘systems-training’ and ‘exciting’ and do not often occupy the same sentence, unless the words ‘is not’ comes between them. But there are ways to make your online systems-training more engaging for trainees – here’s our seven steps to systems-training heaven:
1. Keep it real
It’s not easy – or interesting – to show learners how to use complex desktop systems via screen grabs and PowerPoint and this outdated approach will have put many a trainee to sleep over the years. To keep learners’ interest, simulated exercises are ideal for introducing new desktop systems. They can look and behave exactly like the real thing, and will allow trainees to get some proper hands-on training before they are let loose on real customers.
2. What if Fred Bloggs never calls?
When it comes to imaginary customers, having a small set of possible scenarios to practice can get repetitive and it doesn’t really prepare trainees for all the different situations they might find themselves dealing with. Day One uses a programme to generate millions of unique, ever-changing customer details and scenarios so that learners never have to deal with Fred Bloggs more than once.
3. People power
It’s easy to get bogged down in replicating enterprise desktop systems and processes, and completely miss the point of why trainees are learning this stuff. In a call centre, for example, a desktop system is just a tool that helps advisers resolve a customer’s problem or enquiry. Putting real-life customer concerns at the heart of your training will make it much more palatable and easy to learn.
4. Words and Pictures
A quick scroll through your Facebook newsfeed with your morning coffee will undoubtedly give you 10 minutes of text, music, photographs, graphics, animations and hilarious cat videos. If it was only text updates, you’d soon get bored. This is why we recommend using a full range of media to make systems training 1,000 per cent more engaging.
5. Social club
While a walk in the Dales is more our thing, there’s no denying the power of Social Media and how it engages people. You can take your systems training to another level by introducing a social angle, for example posting training scores online to be shared with friends and colleagues.
6. Totes emosh
Systems training isn’t normally something that generates an emotional response from trainees (other than boredom), but it can with the right tools. Using our eRoleplay set up, where trainees practice advisor-customer calls with fellow trainees, we can set up scripts that not only test what an advisor has learned, but also give the ‘customer’ an idea of what it’s like to be on the other end of the call. This helps them develop more empathic behaviour and adds another dimension to their systems training.
7. Instant feedback
When you are knee-deep in systems training, feedback is essential to give trainees the confidence boost they need to carry on to the finish line. Consider the use of instant feedback after tasks to give learners a much needed pat on the back and keep them engaged in their training. On our eRoleplay programme for example, the person in the ‘customer’ role or an assessor can send feedback straight after the call which pops up on the advisor’s screen to tell them how they got on.
If you are interested in how Day One makes online systems-training an engaging and pleasurable experience, why not get in touch?