We’re delighted to be working on an important healthcare elearning project with the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland.
The background to the project is the Scottish Government’s investment over the last 4 years in designing NHS care systems that have effective patient flow through the system.
The work aims to lessen peaks and troughs in patient demand, which can lead to delays for patients.
Drawing from ‘Queuing Theory’, this approach has been credited with reducing emergency surgery waiting times in hospitals and improving care for emergency medical patients.
In order to continue to support the implementation of this approach across NHS Scotland, the Scottish Government has decided to develop a certification programme. Level 1 of the Certification programme will be delivered as elearning – and that’s where we come in!
eLearning Solutions Director at Day One, Elaine Teal said:
“We are really proud to have won this work with the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland. We are looking forward to working with the Whole Systems Patient Flow Team to create a course that will inform and inspire clinicians and managers across the Scottish Health System to implement advanced operations management techniques to improve patient care.”
Director of NHS Scotland’s Whole Systems Patients Flow Programme, Martin Hopkins, added:
“Day One come to this piece of work with a strong track record in delivering eLearning solutions and we are looking forward to working with them.”
If you would like to learn more about our healthcare elearning solutions in general, or this patient flow project specifically, please feel free to contact us here at Day One.