Award-winning life-saving training for UK Coaching

Day One is proud to have supported UK Coaching by creating life-saving training that won the Digital Learning and eLearning Award at the Learning Excellence Awards 2022.

Held this year at the National Conference Centre in Solihull, West Midlands, Learning Excellence is an annual business awards ceremony recognising all that’s best in UK learning.


Learning Excellence Awards Winner


UK Coaching is the leading organisation for physical activity and sports coaches in the United Kingdom. Funded by Sport England for this project, UK Coaching worked in collaboration with St John Ambulance, Resuscitation Council UK, and Joe Humphries Memorial Trust, to deliver free life-saving training online for sports clubs, coaches and the general public.

This immersive elearning was developed to help people understand how to respond and act quickly to an SCA incident using CPR and an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), and combined a mix of media that could engage people with a range of learning preferences.


The Importance of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops pumping blood around the body and vital organs, due to an abnormal heart rhythm. It can happen to anyone, at any time.

Each year in the UK, approximately 60,000 people have an SCA out of hospital, with only 1 in 10 surviving. When effective action is taken immediately, it can treble someone’s chance of survival.

As we saw during the European Football Championships in June 2021, sudden cardiac arrest can affect anyone, any time – even young, elite-level athletes.

It’s likely that Christian Eriksen’s life was saved only due to the quick and effective CPR he received from the medical team present at the match.

The distressing scenes were a stark reminder about the importance of emergency first aid training that includes guidance on how to deal with sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).


Our digital learning solution

For this digital learning, UK Coaching prioritised accessibility and engagement, so we worked closely with them and their partner organisations to include hands-on skill development activities, such as virtual chest compressions, use of a virtual AED and simulation of a real emergency, where every second counts.


Heart image


The training incorporates animation, infographics and diagrams to convey important information and ensure the participant remains engaged.


Martin Johnson CBE - Joe Humphries Memorial Trust Patron


There are high quality immersive videos, including an interview with SCA survivor Fabrice Muamba (former professional footballer) and Martin Johnson CBE (former England rugby union captain and team manager).


UK Coaching on their award win

UK Coaching’s Learning & Assessment Product Team Manager Kelly Rodrigues said:

I am delighted that we have won this prestigious award. The judges commended the Sudden Cardiac Arrest eLearning for the use of immersive learning technologies and learning design, cinematic videography and practical hands-on skill application, which simulates the learning and application of the skills required to save a life.


Within just 3 months of it’s launch, 30,000 learners had accessed the training, which could save hundreds or even thousands of lives in the months and years to come.


If you’d like to learn more about this important, life-saving elearning project, visit the sudden cardiac arrest elearning case study page on our website.


There is more from UK Coaching and their award win on their website.


Interested in how we could help you deliver word-class elearning to enhance training for your organisation?
Contact us here at Day One.
